Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Humiliated by Humility

Humility is perhaps one of the single-most important concepts to have in life, and I regret to say that it is probably the concept I use least. My pride is a crutch I have had all throughout my childhood. I think God has been whispering to me that if I let that crutch go, I will fall; and that's okay. He tells me I don't always have to be guarded against failure, and most importantly, I don't always have to be right.

I immediately respond that He is wrong. (ironic?)

Then I suddenly remember all the times I have been so wrong, simply because I was desperately holding on to my thoughts and action being right.

I recently wrote an email back to my admissions' administrator at Valley Forge Christian College informing her that she spelled "received" incorrectly. (unnecessary, much?)

Maybe I could live a life where I love others enough not to constantly point out their mistakes, I know I sure don't like when others do that to me. I am thankful for the friends who have noticed my mistakes, and have been gracious enough to let me forget them.

I have recently been striving for a life of self-control; perhaps this begins with humility.

I really don't like to let people help me with things or teach me things - this is one of my greatest weaknesses as a leader. But maybe, if I realized that it's okay to mess up sometimes, and stop expecting perfection from myself, I would be willing to screw up a few times in front of a friend in order to fix a potential problem down the road. I feel like that's wisdom in some sort.

Anyways, I hope to be a man of humility.

I hope to live a life where I don't always have to be right.

I hope to live a life where I can let others teach me.

I hope to live a life where I openly admit my inadequacies, and THEN fix them.

I hope to live life, where I don't fear humiliation.

I hope to live a life of honest humility and love.

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