Saturday, February 5, 2011

Working for Pam.

I don't hate a lot of things in this world.

I hate painting.

I have discovered the things I hate have at least 1 of 2 things true:
1. I'm not good at them.
2. I can't finish them. (in the time allotted)

These statements are both true of painting.

So basically, recently I have been working for a lovely lady named Pam - helping her get her bakery/restaurant up and running. It involves a lot of manual work - which is a cool idea at first:

It turns out, I'm not very good at hard work; which is different from not liking hard work. I am legitimately BAD at hard work.

So today I have a few things to tell you today:
People are a lot like stains - which, yes I know, may sound odd at first, but let me explain:

Similarities between stains and people:
1. Both are often stubborn
2. Both take work to get clean
3. Both need individual attention to actually get completely clean.

Often as ministers, we try to "shoot for the many, and therefore, try to get as many as we possibly can" - which often works. But I think the role of PASTOR comes in with the work of individually working with each person.

So in this metaphor, evangelists are like the people who just spray and wipe lightly over the whole surface, whereas pastors sit and scrub and work with each one (makes pastoring sound much more difficult if you ask me).

also, today I painted almost an entire wall the wrong color;

man do I hate painting.


  1. I really like this post.
    Great insight and use of the metaphor. :)

  2. Your endings are always awesome. Just sayin'.
